
Presentation of Lou Amarilla

Presentation of Lou Amarilla

Hello! I am Lou Amarilla, from São Paulo (Brazil), and in mid-January I started my volunteering with the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) project in Nexes Interculturals. A little more about me, in recent years I have been involved in social projects with a focus on...

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Library of Knowledge

Library of Knowledge

The Library of Knowledge is carried out within the framework of the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi Global Justice Program has come to an end this past December 16th. We can qualify this event as a success, since more than 60 people came to participate in the Centre and Teatre de...

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Presenting: Carolina Massara

Presenting: Carolina Massara

Hello! I am Carolina Massara, from Sicily (Italy) and in mid-September I started as a volunteer with European Solidarity Corps (CES), as part of the communications team in Nexes. Creativity, sociability and empathy characterize me and my three main passions are music,...

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