Nexes Interculturals is promoting the use of digital badges in the context of non-formal education for local entities through informative workshops. During the sessions, it’s addressed topics such as: ● Introduction to digital badges (history and characteristics). ●...
KVAK: International Event in Barcelona
In November we hosted a 4-day event in Barcelona, in the frame of the European project KVAK, alongside partner organizations from Slovenia, Italy and The Netherlands. In the lead up to the event we had been working on a guidebook which aims to outline good practices...
Let’s talk about inclusion, constructive feedback, ethics and pedagogical practices in youth work in Barcelona
From 17 until 22 of November, 25 youth workers from Italy, Slovenia, Spain and The Netherlands will attend an event in Barcelona related to the topic of feedback in youth work. During those days they will dive in topics as: inclusion of vulnerable groups provide...

“Troba la insígnia per al teu futur”: Pilotatge de insígnies digitals a les escoles de Catalunya
Durant aquest nou curs Nexes Interculturals (Barcelona City of Learning) amb l'equip de la xarxa Cities of Learning (CoL), treballarà amb els estudiants les seves motivacions per al seu futur mentre utilitzen insígnies digitals obertes. “Troba la insígnia per al teu...
International training and certification in digital badge recognition
The consortium of the project Quality Label for Badge Recognition implemented an international training in Digital Badge Recognition during May in Sremski Karlovci, Serbia. The purpose was to develop knowledge and understanding related to the Quality Label, a novel...
YITEG Game Tests and the final Map of Transformative Economies initiatives
During May, there were developments in two of the YITEG's project results: On the one hand, the entire process of searching and mapping transformative economy initiatives has been completed and integrated in a multimedia map. This is one of the results of the YITEG...
Conference “Games as a tool for community action”
Last Tuesday, May 28th, Nexes participated in the conference “Games as a tool for community action”, organized by the General Directorate of Civic and Community Action of the Generalitat. The event had more than 100 people attending and marked the International Game...
“Get the badge for your future” #SchoolsLab
The project “Get the badge for your future”, developed by Nexes Interculturals with the technical team of the Cities of Learning platform, was one of the two winning proposals of the 'mSchoolsLab call. mSchools Lab is an open innovation program that aims to promote...
The recognition of international young people’s learning through digital badges
This year, at Nexes Interculturals, we are receiving several groups of young people from different parts of Europe who, participating in European programs, have the opportunity to do professional internships in local companies in Barcelona. Right now we have a group...
Let’s keep going forward together! Intermediate meeting in Saint Etienne (France)
The purpose of this meeting Halfway into the YITEG project, we decided to get together for 2 days, on April 11th and 12th, in order to, evaluate our work so far and at the same time agree on how to keep going togethervaluar el nostre treball fins ara i alhora acordar...