Who we are
Nexes Interculturals SCCL is a non-profit organization that promotes informal education for peace, intercultural learning, inclusion and global justice through the design and management of projects and educational services for the local and international community.
To be local and international referents in projects and services that promote culture of peace, global justice and personal growth, through international mobility, training, counselling and informal education.
To promote a social and sustainable transformation through education for peace and global justice through viewing diversity as an enrichment.
To develop projects based on informal education with specific focus on intercultural dynamics and youth mobility. These projects bring together young people from different social and cultural backgrounds, so they can enrich each other with their diversity.
Nexes Interculturals is committed to the real and effective promotion of its values.
Critical thinking, autonomy, reflection and action in values of peace and global justice are promoted through educational opportunities that develop transversal skills and encourage active and conscious participation in the community.
Active Participantion
We encourage young people to play an active role in proposing new social paradigms, taking into account the needs of our communities. Participation, dialogue and cooperation are effective means of achieving an active and empowered community.
Global Justice
The promotion of education in values for the construction of a fairer world and the collective fight for equal opportunities, equity and against discrimination, which defends the fundamental rights.
Action for social transformation and global justice must be sustainable in all its dimensions: environmental, social, political, labour, cultural and economic.
Promotion of the collective responsibility for the common good, fostering solidarity and cultivating fair and horizontal relations between people and between communities. Through cooperativism, but also with the social and solidarity economy, we promote a fairer and more sustainable society.
The ability to see and act beyond the established mechanisms. In our case, we use non-formal education, with a playful and critical thinking approach.
Anyone, regardless of their origin, gender, social class, education etc., must have the same opportunities and learning experiences to grow personally, professionally, socially, culturally and humanly, taking into account the different individual needs and circumstances.
Hi! Nice to meet you!
The Nexes’ team is multicultural (trying to be intercultural!) and consists of young workers, trainers and experts in European programs, intercultural learning and human rights.
Maria Couto Escudero
Coordinator of Counseling Training, International Mobility
Science teaches us, in fact, to subject our reason to the truth and to know and judge things as they are, that is, how they choose to be and not how we would like them to be.
Miguel de Unamuno
Davide Tonon
Coordinator of Nexes, Coordinator of Culture of Peace
If you no longer believe in dreams, sooner or later, dreams will stop believing in you.
Vinicio Capossela
Marta Piszczek
Coordinator of International Mobility
Non-formal education can have real power, especially if we also consider it in its political dimension. It’s a key to living better together;let’s do it!
Bel Bordes Castells
Coordinator of Finance
The world, they tell me, is still inhospitable, but I persevere stubbornly: I do not work with it.
Miquel Martí i Pol
Dalila Fernandes
Coordinator of Communication
The fate of Europe and the future of the free world are entirely in our hands.
Simon Veil
Alberto Tarragó
Project Manager of Culture of Peace
Let’s put our eyes beyond infamy, to guess another possible world.
Eduardo Galeano
Albert Buch
Leisure activities coordinator
Let’s be realistic; let’s ask for the impossible.
Marta Nevado
Project Manager of Culture of Peace
To go decisively in search of the other, you have to have your arms open and your head high and the only way to have your arms open is to carry your head high. Amin Maalouf
Lou Amarillo
The important thing is not to be the first; the important thing is to open up paths to move forward.
Conceição Evaristo
Since 2000, we have been actively working in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain and around the world, trying to connect the local community to global reality.
We involve hundreds of people through local and counselling activities, youth mobility and cooperation projects, and local and international training activities.