During last part of 2024, we hosted 16 young people from Italy and France, who did their internships through an experience of international mobility in Barcelona, within the framework of ALMA and Erasmus+ programs. Over several weeks, young people were able to develop...

Oportunitat de pràctiques a Irlanda, Itàlia i Portugal!
Oferim una oportunitat de creixement personal i professional internacional destinada a persones joves entre 18 i 29 anys, que no estudien ni treballen, i aquesta permet millorar les seves competències a través d'un procés d'acompanyament personalitzat a Catalunya i a...
International Mobility: Cultural Activities with the German Group
The day after their arrival in Barcelona, the group of young Germans took part in a guided tour of the city center to get to know and adapt to their new environment. We started the tour in Plaza Catalunya and continued along Las Ramblas, making a stop at the Canaletas...

The power of ALMA!
El projecte de mobilitat en el marc del programa europeu ALMA avança amb força! Hem rebut a dos grups de joves, un d'Itàlia i un altre de Malta, que ja estan immersos en les seves experiències i pràctiques professionals. Cada participant està desenvolupant les seves...
Welcome to the new international mobility groups!
Last month, we welcomed two new international mobility groups, one from Austria with the VET program and the other from Italy with the ALMA program. The VET participants will stay in Barcelona for a month, while the ALMA participants will spend 4 months in the...
The recognition of international young people’s learning through digital badges
This year, at Nexes Interculturals, we are receiving several groups of young people from different parts of Europe who, participating in European programs, have the opportunity to do professional internships in local companies in Barcelona. Right now we have a group...
Rebecca´s Experience in Italy
Hello everyone, I am Rebeca and I participated in the TLN Mobilicat program with Nexes Interculturals. I learned Italian for two months and then went to Florence, where I was able to do a professional internship. In my case, I went to the Europasticer Academy, where I...
Arrival of the participants of the ALMA program from the Czech Republic
In January, we hosted a group of 10 young people from the Czech Republic who will stay in the city of Barcelona for the next 3 months. They are participants in the ALMA programme, funded by the European Social Fund. This programme aims to provide greater opportunities...
On January 19th, 2024 Nexes will be closed for evaluation
As every year: this is a day we stop in order to evaluate the projects and evaluate ourselves. We want to know if the good sensation we have in 2023 is real. That is why on January 19th, the workers (members and non-members) and the Nexes volunteer, will put on the...
Internships abroad: all groups of TLN Mobilicat have returned
During 2023, from Nexes Interculturals, we have sent 18 young residents in Catalonia to do an internship abroad within the framework of the TLN Mobilicat project. The destinations have been Portugal (Lisbon), Ireland and Italy (Florence). For 3 months, young people...