“Get the badge for your future” #SchoolsLab
The project “Get the badge for your future”, developed by Nexes Interculturals with the technical team of the Cities of Learning platform, was one of the two winning proposals of the 'mSchoolsLab call. mSchools Lab is an open innovation program that aims to promote...
Migrantfood is a collective project between Mescladís and Nexes Interculturals that aims to create a participatory gastronomic route between the Raval and Eixample neighborhoods, combining teams of young people from the "Cooking Opportunities" program with the team of...
Welcome to the new international mobility groups!
Last month, we welcomed two new international mobility groups, one from Austria with the VET program and the other from Italy with the ALMA program. The VET participants will stay in Barcelona for a month, while the ALMA participants will spend 4 months in the...
The recognition of international young people’s learning through digital badges
This year, at Nexes Interculturals, we are receiving several groups of young people from different parts of Europe who, participating in European programs, have the opportunity to do professional internships in local companies in Barcelona. Right now we have a group...
Let’s keep going forward together! Intermediate meeting in Saint Etienne (France)
The purpose of this meeting Halfway into the YITEG project, we decided to get together for 2 days, on April 11th and 12th, in order to, evaluate our work so far and at the same time agree on how to keep going togethervaluar el nostre treball fins ara i alhora acordar...
Desk research on validation and recognition systems of learning activities
How is the actual panorama of validation and recognition systems of learning activities in Europe? Between May and December of 2023, the partners of the project “Quality Label for Badge Recognition” mapped the different frameworks, policies, and processes implemented...
Publication of Game On Academic Research
Last month, the academic research carried out within the framework of the Game On project, titled "Exploring the Impact of Game Design on the Promotion of Inclusion" was published. Produced by the University of Barcelona, one of the partner entities of Game On...
How do the intercultural guides of Poble-sec experience Migrantour?
In the last five months, the intercultural guides of Poble-sec have lived a fascinating journey of personal and professional growth, in which they have received the training to guide the tours and have also been able to build the new Poble-sec route in a participatory...
THE CHANGE is arriving!
THE CHANGE is a new game that young people from 4 different countries are creating in the framework of the YIITEG Erasmus+ project.The current economic system has a structural negative impact on the quality of life of millions of people. Playing THE CHANGE, you can...
Rebecca´s Experience in Italy
Hello everyone, I am Rebeca and I participated in the TLN Mobilicat program with Nexes Interculturals. I learned Italian for two months and then went to Florence, where I was able to do a professional internship. In my case, I went to the Europasticer Academy, where I...
Open digital badges: what are they?
Open digital badges are a standard for recognizing and verifying learning and achievements. They are digital micro credentials that can represent identity, interests, competencies and achievements through the web. They use online spaces to encourage users to continue...
Presentation of Athena Marks
Hello! I'm Athena Marks. I am from New Orleans, United States and volunteer in Nexes while studying in Barcelona. I study visual communication and I have always had the dream of using my passion for the visual arts for a greater cause: helping social transformation....