


Migrantfood is a collective project between Mescladís and Nexes Interculturals that aims to create a participatory gastronomic route between the Raval and Eixample neighborhoods, combining teams of young people from the "Cooking Opportunities" program with the team of...

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THE CHANGE is arriving!

THE CHANGE is arriving!

THE CHANGE is a new game that young people from 4 different countries are creating in the framework of the YIITEG Erasmus+ project.The current economic system has a structural negative impact on the quality of life of millions of people. Playing THE CHANGE, you can...

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Rebecca´s Experience in Italy

Rebecca´s Experience in Italy

Hello everyone, I am Rebeca and I participated in the TLN Mobilicat program with Nexes Interculturals. I learned Italian for two months and then went to Florence, where I was able to do a professional internship. In my case, I went to the Europasticer Academy, where I...

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Open digital badges: what are they?

Open digital badges: what are they?

Open digital badges are a standard for recognizing and verifying learning and achievements. They are digital micro credentials that can represent identity, interests, competencies and achievements through the web. They use online spaces to encourage users to continue...

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Presentation of Athena Marks

Presentation of Athena Marks

Hello! I'm Athena Marks. I am from New Orleans, United States and volunteer in Nexes while studying in Barcelona. I study visual communication and I have always had the dream of using my passion for the visual arts for a greater cause: helping social transformation....

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