Continuing the work on the development of a Nexes gender strategy

13/06/2024 | Uncategorized

At the end of 2023, we decided to move forward outlining a comprehensive gender strategy to promote an organisational culture of “zero tolerance” towards gender inequality and any form of discrimination. This commitment is aligned with our vision of social transformation and continuous improvement of the cooperative.

At the beginning of 2024, a small group of the Nexes team began collecting information and resources in order to carry out this project. Until now, the gender perspective was collected in different documents of the entity, without being centralized or well organized.

Despite the fact that a small team is at the forefront of the elaboration of the strategy, collective participation is essential and indispensable in order for the plan to reflect the needs and realities of all the people involved. The collection of information began in January with a quantitative and qualitative survey of all working people. We have also carried out dynamics to focus on invisible tasks and care, as well as the joint elaboration of a glossary.

To achieve the goal of zero tolerance against discrimination, the project is divided into several phases that include diagnosis, analysis, elaboration and implementation of an equality plan based in an intersectional feminist perspective.

Phases of the project

  1. Diagnosis (January – June 2024):
    • Collection of information through questionnaires and group dynamics.
    • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data collected.
    • Preparation of an initial study that reflects the current state of the entity from an intersectional feminist perspective.
  2. Definition of Key Concepts (March-April 2024):
    • Adaptation of a glossary with key concepts on gender and equality.
    • Training sessions for the team on these concepts.
  3. Preparation of the Equality Plan (June – November 2024):
    • Work in small groups to define specific actions and deadlines.
    • Specialised trainings.
    • Realization of a focal group and other activities and dynamics to involve the social base in the definition of lines of action.
  4. Implementation and Monitoring (December 2024 – December 2027):
    • Creation of a strategic document for the implementation of the Plan.
    • Establishment of monitoring and periodic evaluation mechanisms to adjust the actions according to the results obtained.

Last May, we also requested a grant from the Department of Feminisms and Equality of the DIBA, in order to finance part of the project and continue carrying out this series of actions.

We hope that our internal process can be interesting for all the people around Nexes, and also inspiration for other entities to advance in their own strategy, we will inform you.

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