YITEG Game Tests and the final Map of Transformative Economies initiatives

13/06/2024 | Training and counselling

During May, there were developments in two of the YITEG’s project results: On the one hand, the entire process of searching and mapping transformative economy initiatives has been completed and integrated in a multimedia map. This is one of the results of the YITEG project whose objective is to present various initiatives of Transformative Economies of 4 countries of the European Union. Rather than being an exhaustive collection of initiatives, it aims to be an interactive solution to visualize the active learning and search process carried out by the 4 local youth groups. In this way, we are raising awareness among young people about Transformative Economies at European level while empowering participants, strengthening their competencies. As non-formal education professionals and convinced of the “learning by doing” method, we use mapping as a way for local groups to look for local initiatives that they could contact and meet in person. In this way, they interviewed them about their understanding of the Transformative Economies area and integrated the findings into the final map. You can take look at the map here: http://sseds4youth.org/On the other hand, and following the current process of consolidating the design of the game prototype, a first phase of tests has been carried out in the four countries involved. The tests have been aimed at different groups: young people, teachers, experts in transformative economies, game design experts, and non-formal education professionals. Specifically, in our case in Barcelona, it has been possible to test the prototype of the game with both 9 young people and 5 people from the formal educational field (primary and secondary education teachers). Tests will be carried out soon in order to be able to profile the game. Follow us the path of how the project evolves!

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