Workshops: Digital Open Badges to Recognize Learning Achievements

13/12/2024 | Training and counselling

Nexes Interculturals is promoting the use of digital badges in the context of non-formal education for local entities through informative workshops.

During the sessions, topics such as:
● Introduction to digital badges (history and characteristics).
● Practical use of digital badges.
● Seal of quality and future recognition.

At the meetings, there is a space dedicated to exchanging knowledge and ideas on the topics among the participants.

In December we had the opportunity to visit the team of La Víbria Intercultural, in Terrassa and we did a workshop for the teams of 3IN Social and Nexes, in Poble-sec. In November we made a presentation for several volunteers from different organizations in Catalonia.

The workshops are run within the framework of the Quality Label for Badge Recognition project, with the collaboration of the 3IN Social organization.

We thank all the participating groups from the different organizations, especially La Víbria Intercultural and 3IN Social.

For more information about the Quality Label for Badge Recognition project visit:

➕ Co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

💻 With the support of the Cities of Learning platform.

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