One year of the YITEG project: what we have done and where we are going with “Transformative Economies”?

16/01/2024 | Training and counselling

For a year now, in Nexes together with the consortium of European partners, we have been carrying out the YITEG project (Youth Impacting Transformative Economies through game Design), funded by the Erasmus + program.

Throughout this first year, we have been able to:

  • To hold the 1st face-to-face meeting with the entire consortium of entities involved in the project in Barcelona: to strengthen the bases of the project and start on the path of transformative economies, game design and facilitation with local youth groups.
  • Set up 4 working groups made up of young people from Italy, France, Greece and Spain.
  • Carry out an accompanying process with each local group of young people, to explore initiatives in the territory within transformative economies to make a mapping. In the case of Barcelona, Spain, it is made up of a total of 5 people.
  • During the exploration process, the local group of Barcelona visited 4 initiatives: Civic Sister, Can Batlló, Food Coop and Somriu SCCL. These will be part of the interactive map that is being created, together with other initiatives from the countries involved in the project.
  • Carry out a total of 3 international webinars for the consolidation process of local groups with an international dimension.
  • Create the Treasure Hunt game to find out the components of transformative economies in a participatory and enigmatic way.
  • Implemented the training module on game design process applied to the theme of transformative economies in Reggio Calabria.
  • Carry out the international training course on the game design process applied to transformative economies in Reggio Calabria, in November 2023, and in which a total of 16 young people, 4 group facilitators and 3 trainers participated.
  • Working with a basic proposal to make the prototype of the game about transformative economies, during the training course in Reggio Calabria.
  • In collaboration of the group of students of the EMAV school, create 4 videos to explain what the YITEG project is, the impact of transformative economies, local and international work through seminars, and the testimony of the local group of Barcelona in the process of the project.

You can see the video about the testimony of the local group of Barcelona in the project:

In the second part of the project, which will be carried out throughout this 2024, a lot of local and international activities await us, including: finalizing the interactive map, consolidating the prototype and the final game of the transformative economies, holding two more face-to-face meetings with a consortium of project entities, an international seminar as well as the final event.

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