Let’s keep going forward together! Intermediate meeting in Saint Etienne (France)

14/05/2024 | Training and counselling

The purpose of this meeting

Halfway into the YITEG project, we decided to get together for 2 days, on April 11th and 12th, in order to, evaluate our work so far and at the same time agree on how to keep going togethervaluar el nostre treball fins ara i alhora acordar com seguir endavant junts. Being in a consortium of 5 partners from different countries is very challenging to keep everyone on the same page. Usually, this kind of meeting is only meant for the partners but we decided to invite one representative from each local group to participate actively in this workshop. It was very important for us to value the local groups as contributors rather than only beneficiaries. The local groups representatives have been a real asset to the intermediate meeting to improve the game and reflect on the work that’s been done so far.

The programme

  • Recollect together the timeline of the project
  • Analyse the activities and results reached so far
  • Presentation of the latest version of the mapping of the local Transformative Economies initiatives collected by the local groups and points to improve
  • State of the local groups using the Boat metaphor
  • Tackle the administrative issues while the local groups representatives went on a visit tour with the French group in Saint Etienne to discover some local initiatives
  • Testing of the game
  • Reflexions and discussions about the rest of the work for the project.

The intermediate meeting was organised by Kaléido’Scop which paid attention to respect as much as possible the social and ecological values of the project. An invitation has also been sent to local actors to present the project and the partners during a friendly aperitif. A local and sustainable caterer was chosen to provide the food and beverage for this event.

The next steps

All local groups have had the opportunity to contribute to the game and improve its contents and mechanics..
Estem preparats per començar i provar-ho en diversos entorns i públics
We are ready to begin and test it in various environments and audiences (ie. students, non formal and formal educators, associations, etc…). In parallel with the testing phase, we are developing a manual destined to help facilitate the game in order to make it an educational tool. Hope you’re still with us!! We will inform you of the evolution of the game on this website and on our social media (Instagram/Facebook @sseds4youth).

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