International training and certification in digital badge recognition

12/07/2024 | Training and counselling

The consortium of the project Quality Label for Badge Recognition implemented an international training in Digital Badge Recognition during May in Sremski Karlovci, Serbia. The purpose was to develop knowledge and understanding related to the Quality Label, a novel standard that the consortium has been establishing for badge issuers. Quality Label serves as a recognised standard and distinction of digital badge recognition. It shows that badge issuers awarded the label have demonstrated expertise, dedication to established procedures, and a commitment to upholding high standards in using digital open badges for recognition.

The training was attended by participants from different countries (Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Slovenia, Serbia, Spain) and different areas of expertise. From Barcelona, there were a total of three participants from Nexes, 3IN Social and Obertament. During the four days they had the possibility to explore topics as “Quality in Learning and Recognition” and “Badge Recognition strategies and Quality Label”, getting to know Badge recognition examples and practices, work directly in evaluating Quality Label applications and give feedback, and proceed with reflecting to questions as “How to support Badge Recognition within and beyond organisation” to start defining a follow-up action plan. The sessions promoted moments of networking between participants, with the exchange of knowledge and practices. Also, establishing free time to explore the village and getting to know Serbian culture.

The specific training objectives included:

  • Building expertise and acquiring in-depth knowledge of using digital Open Badges for recognition.
  • Develop capacity to implement the Quality Label standard and procedures in participants’ organisation.
  • Connect and network with like-minded professionals and experts across education, training, and youth fields.
  • Contribute to establishing a quality standard for accrediting Open Badges issuers.
  • Get ready to promote and support wider badge recognition at both national and European levels.

We thank the BINS team for organising the logistics of the event and the trainers Urska (TiPovej), Nerijus and Laimonas (Awero) and Zoran (Bins) for the amazing work during this experience.

For more information visit the website of the project:
Partnership members:: BalkanIDEA, Awero | Assonur TiPovej Breakthrough Nexes interculturals SCCL

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Supported by Cities of Learning platform.


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