“Get the badge for your future” #SchoolsLab

14/05/2024 | Training and counselling

The project “Get the badge for your future”, developed by Nexes Interculturals with the technical team of the Cities of Learning platform, was one of the two winning proposals of the ‘mSchoolsLab call. mSchools Lab is an open innovation program that aims to promote collaboration between educational centers and the EdTech industry to respond to the real needs of the educational community through a transformative, safe and healthy use of technology. In December 2023 they launched the first call to identify innovative digital solutions on a national and international level. The aim was to address the following challenge: how can technology contribute to motivation, personalization of learning and succeeding at school? In this call they received more than 100 proposals from around the world. “Choose the badge for your future” will be a platform with a territorial focus to connect young students with digital or face-to-face learning opportunities according to their interests. The achievements acquired are recognized with digital badges, which allows the creation of a digital archive of competences. At the same time, it gives teachers a more complete vision of the interests and skills of their students. The mSchools Lab initiative is promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona, through its Digital Future Society and mSchools programs. Through public-private collaboration, the identification, piloting and evaluation of the impact of digital solutions with potential to contribute to the improvement and digital transformation of education is promoted. For more information on this initiative or the other projects presented, see: https://mschools.com/en/challenge/mschools-lab/

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