Welcome to the new international mobility groups!

14/05/2024 | International mobility

Last month, we welcomed two new international mobility groups, one from Austria with the VET program and the other from Italy with the ALMA program. The VET participants will stay in Barcelona for a month, while the ALMA participants will spend 4 months in the city.
During the first week they attended a Spanish course and visited the companies where they were going to work. Each of them is doing an internship in a different company, depending on their own background and aspirations.
For many of the guys involved in these projects it is the first experience abroad without their family. Being out of their comfort zone is a big challenge for them but also a big opportunity to acquire both personal and professional skills to have better future possibilities.
In addition to be a working experience, this is also an opportunity to discover a different city and culture. For this reason, the participants are taking part in lots of sociocultural activities by exploring places, for example, the Greek Theatre and Park Güell.

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