International Mobility: Groups from Italy and France

13/01/2025 | International mobility

During last part of 2024, we hosted 16 young people from Italy and France, who did their internships through an experience of international mobility in Barcelona, within the framework of ALMA and Erasmus+ programs.

Over several weeks, young people were able to develop their technical and transversal skills such as: active learning; resilience; stress management; flexibility; the ability to solve problems and, the spirit of initiative, among others. Beyond, they got familiar with different cultures and lifestyles, made friendships and lived adventures that they will not easily forget.
For many of the participants it was the first experience abroad without their family. Being outside their comfort zone was a big challenge but also a great opportunity to grow on different levels.
Thanks to everyone involved – participants, partners, host companies and the Nexes team – for making these experiences possible and unforgettable.
In this New Year, we wish these young people to achieve all their personal and professional goals!

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