GAME ON – Inclusion through game design

Main partner:


Idealúdica (ÉS), Universitat de Barcelona (ES), Nectarus (LT), Associazione Interculturale NUR (IT), BalkanIdea Novi Sad (SR)


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What is it?

European project (KA3) that has developed educational tools for young workers, educators and teachers for more than three years, seekingto promote social inclusion and critical thinking through game design as an educational methodology. In other words, creating games is a way to contribute to the creation of more inclusive societies and individuals..
És a dir, crear jocs com a manera de contribuir en la creació de societats i individus més inclusius.

We have followed good practices in inclusive game design; organized local and international workshops and training; developed resources, etc. We offer a repertoire of developed resources, designed to be easy to use, accessible to everyone and adaptable to different contexts and groups, mainly through the Cities of Learning platform.


Steps in an educational game design process
Inclusion in a game design process

Resources and activities

Podcasts on game design

Listen to 10 podcasts where game design facilitators share their best practices.

Methodological models

Discover the 7 game design models developed from the study of different cases.


Gamified tool for the evaluation of competencies

Action plan to apply a game design process with a group

a document that aims to support teachers and educators in the process of developing a game process with their group.

Game Design Manual for Inclusion

The manual summarizes the Game On project, how to facilitate an inclusive game design process.

Inclusion report

Get to know the realities of inclusion and strategies to improve critical thinking through the document.

Research Papers

all the activities of the project have been accompanied by qualitative research on the results obtained.


… and much more!

Image Gallery


Main partner:


Idealúdica (ÉS) | Universitat de Barcelona (ES) | Nectarus (LT) |Associazione Interculturale NUR (IT) | BalkanIdea Novi Sad (SR)


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