Internships abroad: all groups of TLN Mobilicat have returned

16/01/2024 | International mobility

During 2023, from Nexes Interculturals, we have sent 18 young residents in Catalonia to do an internship abroad within the framework of the TLN Mobilicat project. The destinations have been Portugal (Lisbon), Ireland and Italy (Florence). For 3 months, young people have been able to develop their technical and transversal skills such as active learning, resilience, stress management, flexibility, the ability to solve problems, the spirit of initiative, among others. Beyond that, they have been able to get to know different cultures and lifestyles, make friendships and live adventures that they will not easily forget.

The internship period is the result of a previous period of preparation that has included a linguistic and cultural training. Just as it is followed by a final evaluation. Thanks to all the participants, we have embraced this experience and we want them to achieve all their professional goals.

In 2023 it marks the latest edition of the TLN Mobilicat program that has been promoted with the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya and Public Employment Service of Catalonia – SOC. The programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund.

KVAK (Efficient, inclusivament, engaging i constructive feedback in youth work) és un projecte de cooperació en l’àmbit de la joventut amb l’objectiu d’augmentar la qualitat, la innovació i el reconeixement de la feina amb joves, un viatge en què ens vam embarcar el febrer de 2024.

KVAK aborda 3 àrees crítiques que falten a la formació dels treballadors juvenils:

      • Comunicació eficaç i segura dels resultats;
      • cures als grups vulnerables, i
      • actituds adequades cap als participants.

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