Posem-nos les ulleres

Recommended age

From 14 years old

Number of participants

From 3 to 6 players (divided into teams)

Target groups

  • Schools
  • Scouts
  • Associations
  • Cooperatives and companies
  • Municipal councils
  • Social and Cultural Centers
  • Cultural associations


Options for workshops run by Nexes:

  • Workshop: Game + Reflection (1h30)
  • Training: Game + Reflection + Conceptualization (2h30)
  • Extensive training: Game + Reflection + Thematic Training (4h)

The game

Putting ourselves in the “glasses” of different people allows us to reflect on the privileges and / or discriminations they have in different situations. Thus, we will put on our glasses to discover what they live and how they live it.

We have chosen certain situations that often occur and we are not always aware of the privileges and / or discriminations they imply. The categories and characteristics chosen for each of the characters allow you to play with a wide range of social ranks and have been created taking into account specific situations to discover which groups are most affected in each context. In no case do we intend to generate more stereotypes, but on the contrary: to become aware of their existence to face them!



  • Reflect on the privileges and discriminations experienced by different profiles of people in everyday situations and promote changes in behavior among players.

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