El Món al teu abast

Recommended age

From 15 years old

Number of participants

From 3 to 30 (divided into groups of 3-6 players)

Target groups

  • Schools
  • Scouts
  • Associations
  • Cooperatives and companies
  • Municipal councils
  • Social and Cultural Centers
  • Cultural associations


Options for workshops run by Nexes:

  • Workshop: Game + Reflection (1h)
  • Training: Game + Reflection + Conceptualization (2h00)

The game

It consists of having an approach to an international mobility experience scenario. The final aim of the game is to publicise the opportunities that are available to young people from 14 years old to 35 years old, residents of the Maresme (a region in Catalonia, Spain). For some participants, it will be their first experience of international mobility and for others not.

The game connects classmates, groups of friends, or others to meet each other and share a series of experiences and reflections on international mobility, such as cultural aspects, teamwork, relational, gamified…


To motivate young people from 15 to 16 years old who are encouraged to know what opportunities they have at their disposal, how they are prepared to have an experience in another country and share a collective thought, among other skills and abilities.


Post on social media (spanish)

¡Nuestro juego “El món al teu abast” ya está listo!

✈️Si quieres aprender o descubrir más sobre qué tener en cuenta para preparar una estancia de movilidad internacional o saber oportunidades que tienes a tu alcance, mediante este juego podrás saber más. Saldrás para tu nueva aventura con más información y menos dudas.

Hemos estado trabajando en la creación de este juego durante un largo período, justo con el objetivo de acercar a los jóvenes las oportunidades de movilidad internacional y facilitarles la organización y la estancia de su primera experiencia en el extranjero. Puedes descubrir como ha sido el proceso en anteriores posts.

¡Si te gustaría provar el juego o realizar un taller pudiendolo jugar, escríbenos a info@nexescat.org !

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