Y-Support: development of a support framework for young Roma entrepreneurs

Main Partner:


Rome Entrepreneurship Development Initiative – REDI (RO), Institute of Entrepreneuriship – iED (GR), Know and Can (BG), Romedia Alapitvany (HU)


Training module

What is it?

“Y-Support: development of a support framework for young Roma entrepreneurs” is a strategic international partnership carried out by five entities from different countries, with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme.

Objective: Empower young Roma people to develop their entrepreneurial skills, and strengthen their ability to cooperate to improve results at a personal and professional level.

Specific objectives of the project

      • To provide an innovative approach to education in the entrepreneurial spirit of young people in general and young Roma people in particular.
      • To create a set of tools for young Roma entrepreneurs in order to empower them and increase their chances of success;
      • To increase the entrepreneurial capacity of youth workers or trainers to provide training adapted to the specific needs of young people through the creation of training modules.
      • To provide attractive new educational materials on entrepreneurship for young people;
      • Improve the entrepreneurial skills of 25 young people and offer 15 of them the opportunity to present their business ideas to various stakeholders, potential investors and other representatives of the Roma entrepreneurial environment.


Ricard Valentí, from the Association of Young Roma of Gràcia

Training Module – Y SUPPORT

Resources and activities


An entrepreneurship toolbox for young people with special emphasis on the needs of Roma people to develop their own businesses.

Training module

A training module to promote employment and entrepreneurial spirit among young Roma, especially focused on Social and Solidarity Economy.

Videos i tutorials

A set of videos and tutorials on how to carry out a business idea for young people, and especially for young people from a disadvantaged community.

Training in Romania

This project also implemented a training activity in Romania in July 2021.

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