Main Partner:


Nexes Interculturals i Cooperasec (ES), Kaleido’scop i Unis-cité (FR), Citizens in Action (GR), Stranaidea i Confcooperative Piemonte-Nord (IT)

More Information

What is it?

“SSEds: strategies for youth SSE Enterpreneurship Development and Social impact” is a project carried out in 2020-2021 that aimed to give visibility to the social impact of entrepreneurship initiatives in ESS (Social and Solidarity Economy), especially promoted by young people, through the creation of various tools with educational approaches.


      • Reinforce methodologies to accompany young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, in entrepreneurship in the SSE.
      • Strengthening skills and visions in the SSE so that young people can take initiatives in their communities.
      • Develop new tools for the SSE as a result of a collective creation.
      • Create instruments for the evaluation of the social impact of SSE initiatives.


Be part of the Change: SSEds Project

Make an impact: How to use the SSEds TOOLBOX

Resources and activities


is a database that includes classified SSE tools/methods. These tools/methods can be useful, at different stages and with different purposes and target groups, to guide young people towards their entrepreneurship in the SSE.

Training module

it is a resource for facilitators who support young people on their educational path to the SSE.

Impact Tool

guide the user to build their own social impact assessment of an SSE project or initiative.

Image Gallery

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