Migrantour Barcelona – Social and Solidarity Tourism

Main Partner:


Erasmus +, Municipality of Barcelona and Barcelona Activa

Sign up for a tour!

Ask for more information by email at: migrantourbarcelona@gmail.com

What is it?

It is an initiative of social and solidary tourism, which shows the intercultural richness of the city through urban routes. Led by intercultural guides,interculturality is promoted while hate speech and xenophobia are combatted. It connects citizens and visitors with the stories of migrants, allowing them to discover the city’s cultural richness and fight for social justice.

In Barcelona it has been active for more than 3 years, and for the moment, two routes have been created: in the Raval and Poble Sec neighborhoods, in a participatory way with the team of intercultural guides and the social fabric of the neighborhood.

The route seeks to break stereotypes and stigmas of Raval, as well as build new narratives around migration. We visit places such as the Statue of Columbus, the Top Manta Store or the Agora Juan Andrés Benítez. It explains the invisible richness of the city and addresses issues as important as racism, interculturality, linguistic diversity, coexistence and migrant stories of overcoming.

We invite you to experience first-hand the Migrantour Barcelona route, a great educational activity and team building/cohesion activity for Third Sector entities, companies, civic centers, etc.
The route is offered in several languages: English, Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Arabic and other.


Historical Background

Migrantour was born in 2011 in Italy. As pioneering country, it has had great success in cities such as Turin, Milan, Rome and Florence. Later, the tour expanded to Europe with the creation of New Roots. In 2015, a European network was formed with cities such as Lisbon (Renovating in Mouraria), Paris (Ba·tina), Brussels (Alter Brussels) and Ljubljana. In 2018, “Le nostra città invisibili” emerged, where new Italian cities were added: Bologna, Cagliari, Catania, Genoa and Naples. In 2021, thanks to the European project K2-Migrantour Sustainable Routes, more cities such as Utrecht, Copenhagen and Barcelona were added.
In Spain, in addition to Barcelona, it can also be found in Valencia and Bilbao.

Until 2024, it is estimated that more than 16,000 people have participated in the Migrantour routes in an international network with more than 20 cities and towns across the continent.
Another way to see, live and narrate the city is possible, come and experience Migrantour Barcelona first hand!

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