Main Partner:


Nexes Interculturals (ES), Mescladís (ES), Kaleido’scop (FR), Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (FR), MIFE Loire Sud (FR), Citizens in Action (GR), European Village (GR), Stranaidea (IT), Camera di Commercio di Torino (IT)

Manual “A guide of sustainable practices”

Sustainable Development Plan (SDP)

What is it?

“KISS: the Key Is Social Sustainability” is an international strategic collaboration developed over 2 years (2017-2019). The main objective was to contribute to the promotion of the sustainability of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) development initiatives among its current actors and especially for young people who want to promote new SSE initiatives.


      • Explorar les diferents dimensions de la sostenibilitat dins de l’ESS.
      • To be inspired by other sustainable good practices of SSE in partner countries.
      • To train young entrepreneurs in social and sustainable entrepreneurship.
      • Create – together with young trained entrepreneurs – sustainable development plans within the scope of the SSE.
      • To provide useful and inspiring experiences for sustainability in the SSE field for other local partners, trained young entrepreneurs, and for all organizations interested in seeking sustainability in the SSE field.


Final meeting in St. Etienne of KISS Project

Interview #KissProject: Martha (cooperativa Jamgo)

Resources and activities

Sustainable Development Plan (SDP)

A tool to assess the current situation and plan concrete actions to ensure sustainability in the different dimensions of ESS initiatives/organisations.

International Training

An international training in Greece: “Developing competences in social sustainability in SSE”

4 Study visits

4 Study visits on good sustainability practices in the SSE, in France, Greece, Italy and Spain.

Final Seminar

A final seminar in France on “Governance, teamwork, cooperation and Sustainable Development Plans”

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