HOTSPOTS – Connecting European Suburbs through Smart Youth Work

Main Partner


Idealúdica (ÉS), Universitat de Barcelona (ES), Nectarus (LT), Associazione Interculturale NUR (IT), BalkanIdea Novi Sad (SR)

Manual – Toolkit for diagnostic and tools sharing (EN)

Manual – Handbook for a smart youth work (EN)

What is it?

It is a project of cooperation in the field of youth, whose objective is to develop tools and methods of non-formal education, within a new pedagogical approach, to improve intercultural learning (ICL), both online and offline, of young people from the periphery of different European cities, and Barcelona is one of them.

European project financed by Erasmus+.

Duration: Two years (28/02/2022 – 27/04/2024)

Resources and activities

Manual “Toolkit for diagnostic and tools sharing”

Manual of results of the challenges faced by young people from different countries and the tools that each organization uses to work on interculturality in its activities.

International Training in Italy

Youth workers will be able to participate in training in Passignano sul Trasimeno with the aim of learning and exchanging new tools and working on methodologies to continue improving professional practice.

Local workshops

To test the tools and methods provided during the training.

Manual interactiu

Includes the definitive tools and methods so that they can be used in working with young people.

Blended learning board game

With this game, you can review the material created during the project in an online/offline method.

Local multiplier events

Where the results of the project will be presented.

Image Gallery

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