Erasmus+ VET Internships

Main Partner:


Idealúdica (ÉS), Universitat de Barcelona (ES), Nectarus (LT), Associazione Interculturale NUR (IT), BalkanIdea Novi Sad (SR)

More Information

What is it?

VET (VOCATIONAL EDUCATION TRAINING) is a program of internships abroad directed to young people (students of vocational training and/or in the university) with a duration between 3 weeks and 6 months.

The objective is to expand the perspectives of young people and improve their social, professional and transversal skills, developing the capacity for innovation, initiative and the feeling of European citizenship.

The experience of an internship in a foreign language is valuable as it aims to develop specific technical skills; obtain a greater knowledge of a foreign language, culture and working environment and enhance employability opportunities.

The person or group has the opportunity to have a learning experience in Barcelona to enrich their skills.
Nexes puts special attention to intercultural learning in projects and to the professional and personal development of people.


The duration of the project is between 1 and 6 months; the average is usually 3 months. It depends on the project.

Eligible countries

The 27 countries of the European Union.
Other Erasmus+ countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway and Turkey.
EU neighbouring partner countries: Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, Southern Mediterranean countries.

  • Accommodation with local families or in hostels
  • Local work placement
  • Tutoring and Evaluation
  • Sociocultural program
  • Language Course
  • Support throughout your stay
  • Local transport and transfer from/to the airport
Professional Sectors
  • Tourism
  • Cultural
  • Social
  • Education
  • Migration
  • Youth
  • Architecture
  • Agriculture
  • Trade
  • Aesthetics and care
  • IT, among others.

Participant Testimonials

An internship experience in Barcelona

Inclusion in a game design process

How is an internship in Barcelona managed by Nexes?

Hello, my name is Elisa. This summer I was in Barcelona and worked in ACJ YMCA, a voluntary association for people with economic problems. I, in particular, worked with children from 4 to 7 years old. Although at the end of the day, I was very tired, I liked this job a lot and it was very useful. I would like to thank the Nexes and I would like to go back to Spain

Elisa, Italy

Nexes supports this kind of exchange by offering socio-cultural activities. For instance, in a Trencadis-workshop we imitated Gaudi‘s technique which not only supported the idea of intercultural exchange but also taught us about the famous Catalan architecture. We also made hand-made ice cream and could see the Castellers – an event where people build a human tower. This is very typical of Catalonia and a long tradition. All these activities were fun.

Pia, Alemanya

In the first week, we had Spanish classes, where we got to know interesting people from other countries. We learned basic knowledge of the Spanish language and a lot about the attractions in Barcelona and Spain. The teachers were really nice and we had a lot of fun.

Corinna, Alemanya

During my internship in Barcelona, I was accommodated with a sweet, elderly lady named Amparo. Besides me, she also had two Italian students living there. They helped me if I had any questions since Amparo did not speak English and I unfortunately do not speak Spanish. I received a warm welcome when I arrived with lunch, and then we had espressos and chocolates from her birthday reception. She was outgoing and full of energy, sharing many nice stories with me.

Verònica, Dinamarca

Adam spent three weeks in Barcelona, doing internships in a wooden toy company, designing and manufacturing toys. Regarding his tutor and co-worker, he said: “Working with these two guys (Laffayete and Javi) has been more than incredible. Getting to know them, and their friends. They are both enjoyable to be around, and they definitely made my stay in Barcelona unforgettable.”

Adam, Dinamarca

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