Presenting: Carolina Massara

11/12/2023 | Nexes Interculturals

Hello! I am Carolina Massara, from Sicily (Italy) and in mid-September I started as a volunteer with European Solidarity Corps (CES), as part of the communications team in Nexes. Creativity, sociability and empathy characterize me and my three main passions are music, digital marketing and internationality. I have always liked to travel, get to know different languages and cultures, since I am fascinated by learning new things and I firmly believe that differences enrich us. I graduated from a degree in foreign languages and a master in international trade in Italy, with two Erasmus+ experiences, in Seville and Valencia. While studying at university I was lucky enough to get in touch with two international volunteer associations, AIESEC and ESN, which have allowed me to discover more about me, develop my soft and hard skills, practice languages, meet people from different parts of the world and share experiences and special moments with them. Through my first work experiences I have understood even more how much I am passionate about digital marketing and content creation. I am very happy to be in Nexes, doing what I am passionate about and with the great added value of sharing the values and mission of this cooperative, made up of very beautiful and competent people, while living in an international context and discovering Catalan culture. It is a pleasure to be able to contribute to the development and communication of Nexes projects, which I consider very important at a social, educational and intercultural level. This path is enriching me both personally and professionally and I am sure it will continue to give me a lot. Finally, I would like to mention my passion for music. I have written some songs and studied singing and various musical instruments. I love to give voice to emotions and I think that music often allows us to heal and communicate in a special way.

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