Good end of the year and to good luck starting the 2024 year!

11/12/2023 | Nexes Interculturals

We hope that, despite everything that happens around you (near or far), this year has been good enough and with interesting learning opportunities!

At Nexes we are happy to have participated in all the projects both for what we have learned and for what we have contributed. While some projects and programs have been completed this year, we have also started new ones. We are preparing to participate in new international mobility programmes with new challenges for both the participants and the entities that sent or hosted them in carrying out the work placements. We have also launched projects for the Culture of Peace on local and European level, where we are working to expand the area of training and advice. All this has made it an intense, but positive year! For all these reasons, in the last week of December, Nexes will do a “rest” to start the year 2024.

We wish you pleasant winter holidays!

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