YITEG finished … but it left behind some gifts!

13/02/2025 | Culture of Peace and Global Justice

The YITEG project “Youth Impacting Transformative Economies through Game-design” has come to an end on the 31st of January after a 2-year learning process. It has left many tools available for everybody and a lot of motivation to continue working Transformative Economies.

These are the tools you can find and use:

  • Multimedia Map: a compilation of Transformative Economies initiatives in France, Greece, Italy and Spain.
  • The Change: a game on Transformative Economies (rules i components).
  • Manual “The Change in Action”: a support tool for those who wish to facilitate the game.
  • Moodle Course on “Transformative Economies and Game Design”.

We invite you to take a look at the YITEG website and, if you are interested in the game and Transformative Economies, you can contact us at info@nexescat.org. We look forward to hearing from you!

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