Training: Game On

10/11/2023 | Culture of Peace and Global Justice

The project Game On has already reached its final stretch after almost three years of promoting the creation of board games for inclusion.  In the past couple of months we focused on promoting the different materials developed for the project: Methodological models,podcasts on different projects on creating board games, the gamified tool- Incluship,…
En aquesta línia hem continuat amb l’arribada de la tardor.
Concretament, a través de dos cursos formatius: un de presencial i un d’online.


The face-to-face course was held at the Mundet Campus of the University of Barcelona, promoted by the IDP (Institute of Professional Development) of the same university. Teachers from both primary and secondary schools attended, interested in using board game design as an educational tool and for inclusion. During the 30 hours of training they learned about games, their mechanics, their educational use, inclusion and skills, among many other things. They also developed a prototype of a new game, experiencing first-hand a game design process.


The online course was an international activity promoted with the rest of the partner entities of the project (BINS of Serbia, Nectarus of Lithuania, Nur of Italy and the Barcelona Idealúdica and UB). It is an online course in English, lasting six weeks, where more than 300 participants from countries around the world registered. In addition to the online content, which they were able to follow in the schedule they preferred, we have also offered a weekly webinar on each of the training modules. The online material will be uploaded, available in open, to:

Take a look at the website to learn more about Game On:

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