How do the intercultural guides of Poble-sec experience Migrantour?

11/03/2024 | Culture of Peace and Global Justice

In the last five months, the intercultural guides of Poble-sec have lived a fascinating journey of personal and professional growth, in which they have received the training to guide the tours and have also been able to build the new Poble-sec route in a participatory way. In their own words, Laura, Francis, Nora and Muniba tell a story of enriching experiences and significant learning.

Migrantour has been an enriching experience on different levels. On the one hand, it has been an opportunity to find a safe space to feel understood in my migratory process and create networks with other people who have also experienced migration. At the same time, the training has allowed me to train in issues that at the same time claim my rights and those of other migrants. It has been a very enriching and cultural integration process since I have been able to know more about Barcelona, its history and specifically of Poble-Sec. Laura  

It is a unique and wonderful experience to be part of Barcelona. I have met archaeological, cultural and historical sites through a group with experiences in this field, as well as participating with multicultural people from different countries. We have identified a new multi-stop path that integrates the history of the site with my personal experience. Francis


A path where you learn about the importance of the city of Barcelona, meeting important people and entities while we get to know ourselves. All this with the best instructors! Nora


For me, Migrantour has been a fundamental experience for the knowledge of the city of Barcelona from different perspectives, but it has also allowed me to know the cultural diversity that surrounds us in an enriched and shared way. Muniba

They have a vibrant process of individual mentoring and preparation of the tour to be able to launch themselves into the streets from April. You will soon be able to experience first-hand the Poble-sec route.

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