Game On – project resources

11/12/2023 | Culture of Peace and Global Justice

TheGame On Project will end in January 2024 after 3 years of developing it with love and care. Thanks to an Erasmus+ grant, with this project we have been able to promote inclusion and critical thinking by designing board games. Nexes, alongside five other entities from Barcelona, Serbia, Italy and Lithuania, has developed numerous resources based on best practice research in game design, interviews with experts or training courses, among other actions.

A few weeks ago we finished the latest training for teachers and educators, at the UB and online. However, the resources developed through this project will be available after completion. You can access a summary in the 1 pager, a document where the objectives and results of the project are summarized in a single sheet. Below is a brief description of the different resources that you can find available as a result of the project:

  • Podcasts on game design.
    Escolta 10 podcasts on facilitadors de disseny de jocs comparteixen les seves millors pràctiques.
  • Methodological models.
    Descobreix els 7 models de disseny de jocs desenvolupats a partir de l’estudi de diferents casos.
  • Online training activities.
    Hem elaborat diferents mòduls formatius (learning playlists) a la plataforma Cities of Learning, permanentment disponibles i en obert.
    Les persones interessades en fer les activitats i obtenir una certificació poden fer-ho al seu ritme, lliurement.
    10 learning playlists on the platform.
  • Game Design Manual for Inclusion.
    El Manual resumeix el projecte de Game On, com facilitar un procés de disseny de jocs inclusiu.
  • Learning lists. Explore 10 learning lists on how to facilitate game design for inclusion, participation and critical thinking.

We invite you to explore these materials and share your experiences with us.

Beyond the end of the project in 2024, we aim to continue working on the promotion of game design as an educational tool and in favor of inclusion and critical thinking. If you are interested in training in the subject or organizing a workshop in your educational center, do not hesitate to contact us!

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