Culture of Peace and Global Justice

THE CHANGE is arriving!

THE CHANGE is a new game that young people from 4 different countries are creating in the framework of the YIITEG Erasmus+ project.The current economic system has a structural negative impact on the quality of life of millions of people. Playing THE CHANGE, you can...

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Library of Knowledge

The Library of Knowledge is carried out within the framework of the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi Global Justice Program has come to an end this past December 16th. We can qualify this event as a success, since more than 60 people came to participate in the Centre and Teatre de...

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Library of Knowledge

The Library of Knowledge came to be from prior experience with the Human Library and the Living Library carried out by Nexes previously. Last year, we decided to create an innovative and transformative experience with the aim of changing narratives and breaking...

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Training: Game On

The project Game On has already reached its final stretch after almost three years of promoting the creation of board games for inclusion.  In the past couple of months we focused on promoting the different materials developed for the project: Methodological...

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Migrantour Barcelona

We are launching a new course on Migrantour Barcelona, full of excitement and new challenges. We have a training on the 3rd generation of intercultural guides: people with a migrant background, motivated to explain their journey of migration, their culture, fight...

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