The experience of 7 Austrian participants in Barcelona with the program Erasmus+

13/06/2024 | Uncategorized

On May 25th, 7 participants from Austria finished their 5-week internship program in Barcelona. Keep reading if you want to know more about their experience!
“At first, I was scared and always wondered how I would manage on my own in Barcelona, living alone, etc. With the support of my friends and Nexes, this fear went away”. “It was the best experience I’ve ever had in my life. This internship has made me much more self-confident and grown up. I’ve met new great people, Nexes is one of them. We did lots of great things together. My workplace was just as great” (Tuana Cakir, intern at Petits Bilinguals Kindergarten) “In the beginning, I was a little worried. I used to cry the first day before I started working, because I didn’t know what to expect. But it turned out that all my worries were unnecessary.” “I would say it was totally worth it. In a nutshell, it is amazing working abroad, but not easy.” (Adriana Pinti, intern at Takashi Ochiai bakery) “For me, this experience was life-changing. I could learn a lot about myself and many new things, like navigation and talking to strangers. I also had a great working experience that will definitely help me in the future. We saw a lot of Barcelona, not only the touristic side but also a lot of hidden parts of the city. I would recommend this experience to everyone who is open to learning new things and meeting new people. It was an unforgettable time in Barcelona.”(Sophie Elmer, intern at SmartRoom hotel) I can recommend these internships abroad to anyone who has the opportunity to do so. It helped me to have more confidence. I really enjoyed time and it will be a highlight of my life. I would do it again at any time, just more time! (Lea Unterberger, boarding at Ilunion Hotel Les Corts) “I liked time very much and I was able to learn a lot from myself and grow. I would definitely recommend it because it is a unique opportunity.” (Elena Zeilinger, Fellow of the Cultural Association and Library BiblioMusiCineteca)
The participants were between 17 and 21 years old and were learning in different areas: 5 of them in administration, one in a bakery and another in a restaurant. Although only one of them spoke some Spanish, the language barrier did not prevent them from enjoying the experience. In the first week, they took a 20-hour Spanish course, immersing themselves in Spanish culture and language. Over the course of the 5 weeks, they combined the practices with cultural activities and evaluation meetings in Nexes.

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