PAP2 – ParticipAccióPau2


Municipality of Barcelona

What is it?

The PAP2 project (Particip-Action for Peace edition 2) aimed to increase awareness and active participation of young people in the Besòs-Maresme district, Sant Martí district and Barcelona city, through a process of awareness and training in global justice and human rights, in order to empower themselves as future agents of local social transformation.

This project had the collaboration of different entities from Besòs-Maresme, Sant Martí district and Barcelona, in order to respond to the needs expressed by young people from the Besòs Maresme, technical people, and public administration professionals.


    1. Promote education for peace from a multi-vision perspective, thus fostering positive relationships and exchange through dialogue in and with the neighbourhood and the city of Barcelona. Together with several community actors, tools were provided for social dialogue and leadership of initiatives for global justice (environment, gender, economy, governance and democracy, etc.)
    2. Empower young people to lead local (neighborhood) governance processes with an impact on the city of Barcelona through a multilevel governance system.

Expected Results

Empowered young people (discourse and recognition) and mobilized around a community transformation initiative recognized by the Besòs Maresme and Barcelona.

Perceptions between different social and community agents, the potential of actions that have been worked jointly and with a long-term perspective.

Recognition of the Besòs Maresme youth movement in different groups and visibility around Barcelona.

Achieved Results

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