Code 3b6i: Human Rights in glocal action


Ajuntament de Barcelona

What is it?

Local project that has aimed to increase citizen recognition of 6 initiatives to defend and promote Human Rights in 3 different neighborhoods: Poble Sec, Besòs-Maresme and Sant Gervasi-Galvany. “3b6i” is a code that refers to 3 neighborhoods and 6 Initiatives.

In this challenge, 30 young people from 3 different institutes have participated, as agents of social transformation and by publicizing these 6 initiatives in their schools and to the citizens of the neighborhood.


The 6 Initiatives mentioned are projects to defend and / or promote Human Rights promoted by entities in the neighborhood that young people will learn about and disseminate to citizens.
In this process they will learn about Human Rights by connecting their global dimension with local reality, analyzing differences and similarities between neighborhoods in the way of protecting and guaranteeing different Human Rights. Stereotypes and prejudices are also questioned among young people related to the neighborhood of origin, as well as gender, sexual orientation, religion and other categories included in the intersectional approach.


Institute Barri Besòs

Institute Montserrat

Institute Consell de Cent

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