Migrants: Transforming migratory narratives in neighborhoods

Socios del Consortium:

Nexes Interculturals, Servei Civil Internacional de Catalunya (SCI), Ajuntament de Barcelona

What is it?

“Migrarratives” aims to transform migratory narratives from various neighborhoods. The project increases citizen awareness of the right to seek asylum and to migrate, and makes discriminatory attitudes visible in order to reverse them. In the 2021-2022 academic year, we worked in the neighborhoods of Poble-Sec, Raval and Besòs and Maresme. In the 2022-2023 academic year, we continued to explore alliances with other institutes and entities; we joined the project of the district of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi while we continued working with institutes in the neighborhoods of Poble-Sec and Raval.


Nexes Interculturals, in collaboration with SCI Catalunya, and taking advantage of the contents compiled by the EntreTerres group, propose and accompany young people from various public educational centers in a 1-year educational process, where young people will learn to:

      • Examine the global situation of migration and displacement from a gender and human rights perspective, understanding its causes and consequences.
      • Identify the migratory narratives existing locally in the neighborhoods of Poble-Sec, Raval and Besòs and Maresme.
      • Act as agents of change, actively involving themselves in transforming the migratory narratives existing in their neighborhoods.
      • Compare the migratory narratives of two neighborhoods, realizing similarities, differences and how they have changed throughout the process of reviewing them in this project.


Migrarratives Routes – The central activity of the project consists of the creation of two Migrarratives routes, in which the young people will be the designers: they will select the places in the neighborhood to include in each route and the stories they want to make known. In addition, it will be the young people themselves who will act as guides, acting as agents of social transformation.

The Migrarrrativa route of each neighborhood is related to spaces and places, events, groups and entities, and individuals relevant to migration and to promote the transformation of migratory narratives among citizens.

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