Training and counselling

Main Partner


Idealúdica (ÉS), Universitat de Barcelona (ES), Nectarus (LT), Associazione Interculturale NUR (IT), BalkanIdea Novi Sad (SR)

One of the services we have been offering since 2006 is the international mobility advisory service aimed at citizens, especially young people and professionals.

What is it?

    • Personalised advice or counseling consisting of individual or group appointments that users can register in advance to request personalized information about their interests. It is one of the most appropriate resources since it directly counsels the person and gives a direct, personalized and adapted response. Individual 45-minute sessions with prior registration to be able to know the subject of the consultation beforehand. Post-counseling monitoring is carried out to evaluate the system and know the results.
    • Personalized support process that consists of monitoring the construction process of a project that is being carried out by a person or group of young people or professionals. In this case, it is one of the most appropriate resources if external support is needed to accompany the construction of a project or initiative since a direct, personalized and adapted response is given. Package of individual sessions of 45min-90min.
    • We carry out follow-up visits to international projects (youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service, training for youth workers) implemented in Catalonia, within the framework of the Erasmus Program, European Solidarity Corps or others.
    • Full advisory service that takes into account a global vision of various parts: advice for citizens, training actions, participation in local and international networks, and management of documents, among others.

The service adapts according to the needs and interests.

Information in the field of international mobility is constantly moving and, therefore, regular work is carried out to update content and search for new content.

Target groups

Addressed to public institutions, youth centers, and any organization or person interested.

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