
Main Partner


Idealúdica (ÉS), Universitat de Barcelona (ES), Nectarus (LT), Associazione Interculturale NUR (IT), BalkanIdea Novi Sad (SR)

More Information

What is it?

Local and international trainings, with diverse content and format in: international mobility, development of transversal skills, design process of educational games, interculturality, global justice, cooperativism and SSE, entre altres. among others.

The trainings seek the effective development of competences and the generation of significant learning using a combination of tools, techniques and diverse methodologies, adapted according to the context and needs of the person. In addition, we are flexible in the design, execution and evaluation of training services, developing personalized and comprehensive training actions.
The person will be able to discover and put into practice their skills, knowledge and attitudes, and to develop their technical and transversal skills.


International mobility

Awareness and training in the field of international mobility focused on the diversity of options within international mobility such as: opportunities and resources for a stay of studies, work and / or internships, youth exchanges, European programs, volunteering, transversal aspects to be taken into account to prepare a stay abroad, among other contents.

The content that is worked on is diverse and wide, such as: citizen participation, personal and professional growth, transversal and technical skills, knowing the financed opportunities, critical thinking, life-long education and networking.

Keywords: interculturality, international mobility, competencies, training, learning, inclusion, non-formal education, cooperation, network.

Culture of Peace and Global Justice

Awareness and empowerment of people, especially young people, through critical analysis on “glo-cal” issues and practices of social transformation. In other words, they are the ones who will build community and political initiatives, and actions towards global justice.
Learning, exchange, awareness, the multiplication of knowledge and social transformation are the main actions that are promoted.
The content being worked on is diverse and wide as interculturality, inclusion, non-violent action, human rights, active participation, antiracism, the social and solidarity economy, international and local cooperation, as well as others within the culture of peace and global justice.

Keywords: interculturality, international mobility, competencies, training, learning, inclusion, non-formal education, cooperation, network.


The aim is to promote learning through experience, action and active participation, promoting personal, social and emotional development, active and meaningful learning and citizen participation.

We work with specific content and a methodology that is used depending on the type of activity. These range from 1 hour to what is necessary and in various formats: face-to-face, virtual or mixed.

    • The informative talk lasts 1 hour, concrete content, face-to-face or virtual format.
    • The workshop lasts between 1 and 4 hours, specific and dynamic content, face-to-face or virtual format.
    • The offered courses are a minimum of 4 hours and in several sessions, specific content, diverse methodology, face-to-face, virtual or mixed formats.
    • The training has an extensive duration, in various sessions, specific content, diverse methodology, face-to-face, virtual or mixed formats.

Target groups

They are aimed at public administrations, educational centres and universities, youth services and entities, as well as groups of professionals or interested citizens, with the aim of bringing international mobility opportunities to the public to whom they are addressed.

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