YITEG Transformative Economies Through Game Design.

Main Partner


Kaléido’scop, Ninfea, RIPESS Europe, The Beehive Community, Idealúdica.


What is it?

YITEG (Youth Impacting Transformative Economies through Game Design) is a 24-month European project that aims to involve young people active in becoming future multipliers in the values and practices of transformative economies, thus committing other young people to become active citizens in their communities and at European level.

It is made up of 7 organisations from 4 countries (Spain, Italy, Greece and France) which have joined forces to increase the visibility of the practices of transformative economies, while involving young people to create a community of multipliers on this issue, at local and European level.


Local Groups

The creation, support and training of 4 local youth groups in transformative economies (TEs) as well as the creation of 1 mixed support and advice group among young participants and representatives of 3 partner organizations.

A transnational training

A transnational training in Game Design.

Educational Game

The creation of an educational game on TEs and a manual to learn how to enhance the impact of the game.

Maps about TEs

The creation of multimedia maps on TEs and sharing them within the community.


A learning seminar on community participation and social impact.

Multiplier Events

A multiplier event in each country to present the results of the project and the latest multiplier event, in Athens, with an international dimension.


Image Gallery

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