Library of Knowledge

16/01/2024 | Culture of Peace and Global Justice

The Library of Knowledge is carried out within the framework of the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi Global Justice Program has come to an end this past December 16th. We can qualify this event as a success, since more than 60 people came to participate in the Centre and Teatre de Sarrià, where it took place. From Nexes we are grateful for the trust and interest in discovering migrant stories and knowledge of the residents of Barcelona, breaking the most extensive dynamics where only certain types of voices come to light and putting at the center narratives that are essential to listen if we want to make the city a place where interculturality enriches us.

In this edition, on the one hand, we had the workshop of Sara that transmitted to us the value and importance of textile crafts in her community in Colombia and we had the opportunity to learn to make one of the most typical bracelets.

On the other hand, Geys brought us closer to Venezuela, where she is originally from, by getting to know the typical gastronomy of the country. In addition, she taught us how to make empanadas which we were lucky enough to be able to taste!

Francis took us a tour of Lebanon. Above all, he pointed to the art of this country, as it was his inspiration to start painting. So much so that at the end of the workshop he gave us a live show of a painting representing the architecture of a traditional house in Lebanon!

Kamar brought us closer to her Moroccan roots focusing on the tradition of henna and its uses and meanings. In addition, she invited people from the public to try the henna on her hands with beautiful motifs!

On the other hand, Natia brought us closer to her knowledge of Venezuela, where she is originally from, making us know the typical gastronomy. In addition, he taught us how to make pans and then we were lucky enough to be able to taste them!

In short, and looking with perspective, after a whole process of training and personal follow-up with these five people, we can affirm that the project has achieved its objectives. We have worked on how to explore our own knowledge and how to transmit it (from how to structure a workshop, to resources to speak in public and control the nerves or gain confidence for those who were going to facilitate the workshop in a language other than their native one) and all this creating a group bond where active listening and diversity as wealth has been the central theme of the process.

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