Presentation of Lou Amarilla

12/02/2024 | Nexes Interculturals

Hello! I am Lou Amarilla, from São Paulo (Brazil), and in mid-January I started my volunteering with the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) project in Nexes Interculturals. A little more about me, in recent years I have been involved in social projects with a focus on migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and people in vulnerable situations. I graduated in law and did a postgraduate degree in gender, human rights and migration (a topic that touched me personally, being a Brazilian migrant in Portugal), from a gender and intersectional perspective. I continued to work in the social and humanitarian area by participating in various projects that have enriched me personally and professionally. I have collaborated with the emergency reception center for migrants from the Red Cross in Madrid and with Vila Reencontro, a pilot project in Brazil of the housing first model for homeless people. Therefore, being able to join Nexes Interculturals as a volunteer is a great opportunity for me, since I identify with their values and projects of culture of peace, migration and education for global justice, projects of which I am a part and to which I am eager to contribute, since their objectives are also achieved through intercultural dialogue and non-formal education for learning. And last but not least, I would like to share that I am so passionate about the world of art – I love photography, crafts such as dot (which I learned from my grandmother in Brazil) and dance- as to connect with other people and cultures, where with empathy and care, everything is possible to be built. Hugs, Lou  

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