Presentation of Athena Marks

12/02/2024 | Nexes Interculturals

Hello! I’m Athena Marks. I am from New Orleans, United States and volunteer in Nexes while studying in Barcelona. I study visual communication and I have always had the dream of using my passion for the visual arts for a greater cause: helping social transformation. Not only do I enjoy travelling and learning about other cultures, but I also think it is very important to do so to develop empathy and interpersonal bonds. Like Nexes, I believe diversity is important in social transformation, especially on a global scale. I am happy to be part of this team and expand my knowledge and ability to capture ideas around peace and justice in visual components. Finally, I would like to add something of what I like to do in my free time. I like drawing, painting, playing music, yoga, designing clothes and sewing. In my experience, having several creative outings encourages greater inspiration.

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