New steps in Migrantour: The Poble-sec Route

13/06/2024 | Culture of Peace and Global Justice

Last Wednesday, May 22nd, Migrantour Barcelona achieved an important milestone, officially inaugurating the Poble-sec route. This route is the result of 5 months of collaborative construction with a team of intercultural companions, collaborative entities and the people of the neighborhood. The first tour was an exciting experience. The route was done with a group of Pakistani and Afghan women from Médecins del Mundo and Acesop. The intercultural companion Muniba, with great passion, offered the tour in Urdu, creating an intimate atmosphere and exchange between the participants. Muniba´s ability to connect with the group in their native language of Pakistan made the experience accessible to all people, discovering the different struggles and demands of the neighborhood. The second tour was held in the afternoon in collaboration with the CC. Sortidor where people and activists of the neighborhood of Poble-sec attended. Laura, our intercultural companion, led the tour with enthusiasm, approaching her native Colombia. The route allowed participants to discover projects that portray protest and resistance in the neighborhood, while also fostering dialogue and reflection on the cultural diversity that characterizes the it. Don’t miss the opportunity to get to know the new Poble-sec route! Join us on this journey of intercultural discovery, exploring the struggles, claims and voices that make Poble-sec a unique neighborhood. Book your place by writing to!

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