Last phase of the Migrantour Impulsem project

5/07/2024 | Uncategorized

rhe invisible wealth of the city, The Migrantour project, subsidised by Barcelona Activa, is on its final stretch with completion of the route through the Poble-sec neighborhood. Since the beginning of the project, we have seen our Migrantour community grow with 15 new intercultural companions who share their stories and 7 external collaborators from Poble-sec who enrich the narratives of the neighborhood by explaining their projects and entities. During the 2023-2024 academic year, 8 routes have been carried out in Poble-sec. Additionally, the Raval route has been updated with new stops. making them a total of 44 routes. All in all, 1034 people attended the tours. Although the numbers are not the most important aspect, if we want to change perceptions towards people with migrant backgrounds in our city, the more people the project reaches – the greater impact we will have! Throughout the project, each intercultural companion has contributed and perceived this social transformation directly. There are reflections such as that of Muniba that show how the project beautifully crosses those who participate in it: “Migrantour has been a very enriching project, one of learning and personal growth. Here I was able to meet magnificent people, diverse stories and shared smiles. It has been a shared space, full of diversity and respect, isolated from justifications and judgments”. On the part of the trainers, the project is considered “very valuable to put at the center the narratives of people with migrant background in Barcelona who enrich our society and who are not usually heard”. And some of the people who have attended the tours comment that “Migrantour has been eye-opening”. In addition, during this course some intercultural companions have created an educational workshop that accompanies the experience of Migrantour, as well as new experiences such as Migrantfood (focused on gastronomy) and Migrantour Kids (adapting children), which will allow us to expand the impact and diversity of our project.  

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