Amal Tikva

Recommended age

From 14 years old

Number of participants

From 6 to 30 players (divided into teams)

Target groups

  • Schools
  • Scouts
  • Associations
  • Cooperatives and companies
  • Municipal councils
  • Social and Cultural Centers
  • Cultural associations


3 options:

  • Workshop: Game + Reflection (1h30)
  • Training: Game + Reflection + Conceptualization (2h30)
  • Extensive training: Game + Reflection + Thematic Training (4h)

The game

Amal-Tikva was born from a Nexes cooperation project and is the result of the work of a group of teachers and educators.

This simulation game allows the players to take on the role of several specific characters in the context of Jerusalem, discovering the conflicts and the geopolitical situation existing in the territory and the situations of injustice, helplessness and tension that occur. This approach to the situation in Palestine through playing allows for the emergence of several elements that, once the game is over, facilitate a critical reflection on the situation in Palestine, the difficult living conditions, the causes and consequences of the current conflict and the possible ways of peaceful resolution.

How we work

An expert in the subject who has experience facilitating the game will come to your centre. In all cases, we require the presence of a trained workshop expert to ensure the veracity of the contents and the quality of the educational experience.



  • To publicise critically and rigorously the situation of permanent conflict between Palestine and Israel and the consequences suffered by the population of the territory.
  • Promote support actions aimed at peacefully resolving the conflict between Palestine and Israel and alleviating the difficult living conditions of the population.
  • Promoting a culture of peace


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