ISSE game

Recommended age

From 16 years old

Number of participants

From 4 to 20 players (divided into teams)

Target groups

  • Schools
  • Scouts
  • Associations
  • Cooperatives and companies
  • Municipal councils
  • Social and Cultural Centers
  • Cultural associations


Options for workshops run by Nexes:

  • Workshop: Game + Reflection (1h30)
  • Training: Game + Reflection + Conceptualization (2h30)
  • Extensive training: Game + Reflection + Thematic Training (4h)

The game

Acting as entities of the Social and Solidarity Economy, the players will have to make decisions that will have consequences for the organisational and functional day-to-day of the entity. Designed to promote knowledge of the SSE on a large scale, the game is an economic simulation in which players will have to achieve a final goal by managing capital, creating a company or managing their domestic economy.

ISSE game is presented in 2 possible formats:

  • An online game that you can play for free by pressing the button below.
  • A Workshop dynamized by Nexes, in which an expert in SSE and with experience facilitating the game will come to your centre to facilitate the game and make a subsequent reflection.

ISSE game is part of the cooperation project “Initiatives for a Social and Solidarity Economy (ICE) – Community Works”.


But what is a Social and Solidarity Economy?

The concept of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) encompasses a set of entities organised in the form of cooperatives, associations or foundations, in which the internal functioning and the activities they promote have as a common denominator the principle of solidarity and social utility.

These entities adopt models of democratic and participatory management. The benefits obtained are strictly regulated: the gain cannot be individual but is reinvested in the entity.



  • Develop competencies for sustainable economic management (whether business or domestic) in line with the SSE principles (social and environmental responsibility, decent and quality work, democracy and transparency).
  • Identify the principles of the Social and Solidarity Economy and discover how to promote it through concrete actions.

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