Inclusion Bridges

Recommended age

From 10 years old

Number of participants

From 4 to 25 players (divided into teams)

Target groups

  • Schools
  • Scouts
  • Associations
  • Cooperatives and companies
  • Municipal councils
  • Social and Cultural Centers
  • Cultural associations


3 options:

  • Workshop: Game + Reflection (1h30)
  • Training: Game + Reflection + Conceptualization (2h30)
  • Extensive training: Game + Reflection + Thematic Training (4h)

The game

Inclusion Bridges is a game for phones, designed in the project “Social Inclusion Out of the Box” in order to promote social inclusion through creativity, especially among young people. In the game, the monsters of social exclusion have invaded the Earth and the player is transformed into a hero who will have to build magical bridges capable of transforming monsters into inclusive acts. Play, have fun and learn about social inclusion!

The game is an app that can be downloaded free of charge on your mobile through Google Play or the App Store. Nexes can also organize group workshops where they can play the game collectively and carry out a subsequent reflection on the subject: inclusion and social exclusion.

In case you want a workshop led by Nexes, an expert in the subject and with experience providing workshops on this game will come to your center.



  • Easy to learn to play
  • 11 different scenarios (11 countries) to complete
  • Choose between 6 different characters
  • Complete all stages of an scenario to unlock a special weapon
  • 9 available languages: English, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Chinese, Vietnamese, Nepalese



  • Learn about social inclusion



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