Who we are

Nexes Interculturals SCCL is a non-profit organization that promotes informal education for peace, intercultural learning, inclusion and global justice through the design and management of projects and educational services for the local and international community.

What we do

International mobility

Volunteering experiences, exchange programs and professional trainings, internationally and locally, for young people. It works as a pedagogical tool for personal, professional and social growth.

Culture of Peace and Global Justice

Activities to raise awareness and to educate at a local level; transnational projects of cooperation, exchange and empowerment. Creation of tools to work on active participation, critical thought, interculturality, inclusion, gender, human rights, and social and solidarity economy.

Training and counselling

Local and international training, workshops, study visits and counselling for citizens and institutions, both in the area of youth and education, about international mobility, interculturality and global justice.

Social impact 2023


Local actions

International actions

Among workshops, consultancy, training courses, training modules, professional internships…

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