The YITEG project “Youth Impacting Transformative Economies through Game-design” is coming to its final step, and we want to share the outputs of these two years, as well as the impact of transformative economies on the young people who have participated and the game...
International Mobility: Groups from Italy and France
During last part of 2024, we hosted 16 young people from Italy and France, who did their internships through an experience of international mobility in Barcelona, within the framework of ALMA and Erasmus+ programs. Over several weeks, young people were able to develop...

Oportunitat de pràctiques a Irlanda, Itàlia i Portugal!
Oferim una oportunitat de creixement personal i professional internacional destinada a persones joves entre 18 i 29 anys, que no estudien ni treballen, i aquesta permet millorar les seves competències a través d'un procés d'acompanyament personalitzat a Catalunya i a...

Seminari internacional final del projecte YITEG: “May the Change be with you!”
El projecte YITEG “Youth Impacting Transformative Economies through Game- design” està arribant a la seva recta final, i volem compartir els secrets d'aquests dos anys de projecte, així com l'impacte de les economies transformadors en les persones joves que han...
Workshops: Digital Open Badges to Recognize Learning Achievements
Nexes Interculturals is promoting the use of digital badges in the context of non-formal education for local entities through informative workshops. During the sessions, it’s addressed topics such as: ● Introduction to digital badges (history and characteristics). ●...
Migrantour International Seminar: Migrantour as a tool to promote new rural and urban narratives of inclusion
From 4 to 6 November, Nexes Interculturals organised in Barcelona the Migrantour International Seminar, gathering 30 participants from 11 countries, involving Migrantour project coordinators and intercultural guides. In the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, this...
Closing of the year 2024
Another year comes to an end, so we are also here to say goodbye to 2024!In a turbulent year, where we see Europe going further to the extreme right while we are each day less able to have a decent living-standard, makes it difficult to end it on a positive note. As...
KVAK: International Event in Barcelona
In November we hosted a 4-day event in Barcelona, in the frame of the European project KVAK, alongside partner organizations from Slovenia, Italy and The Netherlands. In the lead up to the event we had been working on a guidebook which aims to outline good practices...

May the change be with you! Seminari d’aprenentatge en Atenes
El Seminari d'aprenentatge del projecte YITEG (Transforming economy through game design) tindrà lloc a Atenes del 25 al 28 de novembre i reunirà 30 participants de 4 països (Grècia, Itàlia, França i Espanya). Joves, representants d'organitzacions i agents...
Let’s talk about inclusion, constructive feedback, ethics and pedagogical practices in youth work in Barcelona
From 17 until 22 of November, 25 youth workers from Italy, Slovenia, Spain and The Netherlands will attend an event in Barcelona related to the topic of feedback in youth work. During those days they will dive in topics as: inclusion of vulnerable groups provide...